Sunday, November 18, 2007

Religiously Lonely

Since my late teens I have been interested in spiritual , religious and philosophical thought . I have studied comparative religion and some philosophy and I guess I can say it has left me more than a little confused , I know more what I don't believe than what I do believe , and feeling very lonely .
I am what you would call a cradle Catholic so i have that burden to carry, i left that quite awhile ago . Right now I am unchurched I guess I am some sort of Monotheistic Universalist Unitarian . I recent years i have become enamored with the thought of Alfred North Whitehead and his followers in Process Theology and Process Philosophy .
The Center for Process Studies: What is Process Thought?

I am also a follower of NPR 'S Speaking of Faith radio and podcast with Krista Tippett .
Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett: religion, meaning, ethics, and ideas [from American Public Media]

I work as a Psychiatric Nurse . Married with grown children .

Best Regards To All Tim
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Blogger Mystical Seeker said...

Well, I also consider myself a Monotheistic Universalist Unitarian, and I also am a fan of Whitehead and process theology. Trust me, you are not the only person who is confused. Maybe not knowing what to believe isn't always such a bad thing, though? I think bsolute certainty can sometimes be a dangerous thing. I also think there is value in many religious perspectives, and that no one religion has a monopoly on the truth.

11:02 AM  

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