Friday, August 14, 2009

I, personally, am a panentheist. I believe that God exists within the manifest world, and also beyond it. God is in every molecule and in the space between, as well as all that lies outside of reality. God is the potter and the pot, as well as the wheel and the specs of dust on the floor.

To me, it does not matter what name or face you put on the divine, or how many gods you worship. What matters is that your religion, whatever its name or trappings, makes you a better person and helps you to leave the world better than you found it.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Religiously Lonely

Since my late teens I have been interested in spiritual , religious and philosophical thought . I have studied comparative religion and some philosophy and I guess I can say it has left me more than a little confused , I know more what I don't believe than what I do believe , and feeling very lonely .
I am what you would call a cradle Catholic so i have that burden to carry, i left that quite awhile ago . Right now I am unchurched I guess I am some sort of Monotheistic Universalist Unitarian . I recent years i have become enamored with the thought of Alfred North Whitehead and his followers in Process Theology and Process Philosophy .
The Center for Process Studies: What is Process Thought?

I am also a follower of NPR 'S Speaking of Faith radio and podcast with Krista Tippett .
Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett: religion, meaning, ethics, and ideas [from American Public Media]

I work as a Psychiatric Nurse . Married with grown children .

Best Regards To All Tim
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Wisdom of Whitehead

No static maintenance of perfection is possible. . . . Advance or Decadence are the only choices offered to mankind. The pure conservative is fighting against the essence of the Universe. (A.I. p. 354)